Surfing is very physical. What kind of exercise are you doing?
There are many effective exercise methods for surfing. I don’t want to tell anyone the best way.

I won’t tell anyone, so please tell me secretly.
really? Never tell anyone?

I will never tell anyone. I promise.
OK. Then I will tell it secretly only to Oliver. It’s a pull-up. I think pull-ups are the best for beginner paddle training. This time, I will talk about the effect of pull-up.

・Strengthening paddling and duck dive
・Whole body stretching
・Back pain care
Strengthening paddling and duck dive

I get tired as soon as I paddle. I’m not good at take-off.
When paddling, use your back muscles instead of your arm muscles. Be aware of moving your shoulder blades up and down a lot.

After paddling, my shoulder and upper arm muscles get tired. The paddling method was wrong.
There are two important things.
Strengthening the back muscles and stretching the entire back. I think pull-ups are an effective way to train your spine.
You can train your entire spine just by pulling it up. It is effective in a short time. For example, it takes about 1 minute to pull up 10 times, but it gives you a lot of muscle strength.
Also, just hanging it will stretch your shoulder blades. Therefore, the range of motion of the scapula is expanded. When paddling, if you can move the shoulder blades a lot, the paddling speed will increase.

So that’s it. You can get two effects just by pulling up.
Not only that. When pulling up, grab the bar by hand. Therefore, you can train your grip strength at the same time. You need to grab the surfboard during a duck dive. If you strengthen your grip strength, duck dive will be easier.

Whole body stretching

After a lot of paddling in the surf, my muscles get stiff.
After surfing, you should take care of your body. For physical care, it’s a good idea to hang on the pull-up bar. Stiff muscles grow. I always hang in the pull-up bar for about a minute after surfing. This will reduce back muscle fatigue. Also, it feels very good.

Back pain care

After I started surfing, I had a backache. I have never had back pain before. I think it’s because of the surf-in.
I have also had back pain due to surfing. In my case, the cause was that I was in the wrong paddling position. I was paddling with my back bent a lot. Therefore, it put a strain on the waist. Regarding paddling, I improved to the correct posture. It is good to make it as shown in the figure below.

If you would like to know more about paddling, please click the link below.

From now on, take the correct paddling posture.
Also, in my case, hanging on the pull-up bar seems to have improved my back pain. Hanging on the pull-up bar stretches my entire body. Therefore, you will be forced into the correct posture. So I’m guessing that my back pain has improved.

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